Monday, June 11, 2012

Hiroshima Peace Museum: Part 2

...and after.
The images portrayed at Hiroshima Peace Museum are a lot to process.  Some of the images depicted, I could not bring myself to document.  They were extremely graphic.  The people who put together the museum did not gloss over any detail of the what happened in 1946.  

I was extremely impressed by how unbiased the information  presented was.  I particularly appreciated the exhibit that recognized the atrocities that the Japanese inflicted during the war. 

“Internationalization must begin by speaking the truth about the role each country played in the war.  We must find a way to make out mutual pain a positive gift for the future.”

Actual size of the bomb.
A three year old boy was riding his tricycle when the bomb was dropped.  He died that evening.

War creates mutual pain that is felt acutely by all those involved.   Even though what happened in Hiroshima was one of the most atrocious acts of war-the primary message sent by Hiroshima Museum and Peace Park is focused on remembering what happened to everyone during the war and how we can help each other in creating a peace filled world. 

For all generations to come. 
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