Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Miyajima Part 1: Mt. Misen

Just 30 minutes from Hiroshima by train, there is a famous island.  It’s name is Miyajima-宮島。 It is a popular day trip destination from Hiroshima. 

Though a small island, there is still lots to see and do.

We started the day on Miyajima with a ride on the rope-way to the top of Mt. Misen-the highest mountain on the island.  Mt. Misen is part of Seto Inland Sea National Park.

After waiting in-line for about an hour, we were on our way up the mountain.  The view was amazing.  Fortunately for us, it was a gorgeous day.  The sea reflected the stunning blue of the sky. 

At the top of the rope-way, we still had about a half-hour hike to get to the top of the mountain.  We took a little break when we reached the temples.  A word to the wise-make sure to bring your own water on this hike.  They sell water a the top, but be willing to pay extra for it. 

The building on the right houses the Eternal Fire, which has been burning for 1160 years.  That's  a long time.  The Peace Flame (number 18 on the map shown on the link) in Hiroshima's Peace Park was lit from this Eternal Flame.
Bad fortunes received in the temple are folded up and left behind. If you receive a good fortune, you take it with you.
 After just a little more hiking, we finally reached the top.  We soaked in the view and had a snack of ice cream (that was for sale at the top) before beginning our long hike descending the mountain. 

View from the top of the mountain.  The panoramic photo on top of this blog is also taken from this place.

Next stop, a temple and a shrine. 

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